Trust tops Ford trend report

Ford has unveiled the trends it expects to shape the industry in the future, with consumer trust predicted to be the most dominant theme.

Its report, 2020 Looking Further with Ford Trend Report, has been compiled after surveying thousands of respondents from the UK and around the globe.

It found that consumer expectations are higher than ever before; although 73% think that more brands are now trying to do the right thing, 79% of respondents believe that it is now harder to trust what brands say and do.

Meanwhile, as many as 46% of consumers admitted that they had boycotted brands in the past because their values did not align with their own.

The report also found that 77% agree that consumers are successfully forcing brands to behave more ethically, 65% are more open to used goods than they were five years ago.

Additionally, 74% of Brits say they are actively changing their behaviour in the fight against climate change.

Specific to the automotive industry, only 39% are excited for autonomous vehicles to join the mainstream.
