Top tips on weather-ready EV batteries

Venson Automotive Solutions has offered fleet managers top tips on how to ensure their drivers maintain a healthy winter-ready EV battery.

Alison Bell, marketing director at Venson Automotive Solutions said: “With weather forecasts predicting freezing conditions this winter, EV drivers face a different set of challenges to keep their vehicles in tip-top condition. For example, the batteries that power EVs are very temperature sensitive, so bad weather can reduce a car’s range and increase the length of time needed to recharge the battery. However, there are many steps that drivers can take to maximise range if a big freeze sets in.”

To ensure vehicles run at their best, there are a few things EV drivers can do to mitigate any potential problems.

One is to use the vehicle’s precondition function. This allows the driver to heat or cool the battery and cabin as needed, allowing the stored energy in the battery to be used as its main purpose, to power the vehicle.

Also, batteries like consistency, so when possible, avoid running your battery super low. Aim to stay between 20% and 80% charged whenever you can to maximise battery efficiency and longevity.

Meanwhile, by making sure the car is plugged in while preconditioning won’t drain the battery. Also, when the battery is very cold using the regenerative braking system will be less effective. Therefore, friction brakes will need to be used more until the battery warms up.

Further, as the temperature drops, tyre pressure falls and under-inflated tyres create more road friction, which impacts on the vehicle’s efficiency. Drivers need to check tyre pressure and general tyre health regularly as properly inflated and safe tyres are an easy way to help maximise winter range.

Bell added: “Whatever powertrain vehicle you are driving this winter, it is important to prepare your vehicle, so it functions efficiently in adverse driving conditions. Not only does it reduce wear and tear, it also helps mitigate against the chances of having an accident due to driving a poorly maintained vehicle.”
