Top tips against car theft

With keyless systems and car jacking contributing to a spike in car thefts – which are now at a 10-year high – an expert in security has offered practical advice to fleet drivers on how to reduce the risk.

Home Office statistics reveal thefts of vehicles to be over 110,000 incidents in the year to March. This rise correlates to a wave of car-jackings across the country, with some areas including the Midlands apparently affected more than elsewhere. 

Tricks range from the thieves placing something that looks like an injured animal in the road and stealing the car when the driver gets out to investigate; to simply leaving a leaflet on the vehicle windscreen and taking the car once the driver gets out to remove it, the methods are varied but are ultimately designed to get the car started, and the driver distracted.

Neil Thomas, director of investigative services at AX, provider of vehicle protection technologies and replacement vehicles, said, ‘In my experience criminals are often unimaginative and sometimes the tactics go no further than simply dragging people out of nice cars.

‘However, as vehicle thefts rise, we’ve noticed new methods being used that are much sneakier than using physical violence alone. We urge drivers to remain vigilant and, most importantly, if you are threatened with violence, give up your car – your life is far more valuable than any vehicle.’ 

He has offered a few simple tips to reduce the risk of theft.

He said, ‘It may sound obvious but try to remain vigilant when driving, parking or returning to your car- most people say they had a feeling that something just ‘seemed wrong’ before they were attacked. Don’t ignore your senses, as they are often right.’

He continued, As you approach your car in the car park, try to have a quick check around it – thieves sometimes push door mirrors in the hope you will start the car and then get out to move them back into place, leaving the engine running.

‘In a busy supermarket car park, when you have heavy bags to carry, you may be tempted to remotely unlock your car as you walk towards it. This could help a thief pinpoint your car and make it easier for them to approach you without appearing too obvious

‘Most modern car doors lock automatically when you drive off but, while you are getting ready to pull away, the doors will be open – manually lock them.

‘If you are driving and become concerned you are about to be attacked, try to call for help on your mobile and attract attention by sounding your horn; most thieves don’t want to be filmed by witnesses because it increases the chances of them being caught.’
