S&G brings Christmas to charity

S&G Response has collected more than 1,700 presents for the Children Adventure Farm Trust charity.

The Altrincham-based charity provides a variety of free holiday programmes for terminally ill, disabled and disadvantaged children. It also caters for carers and family members to holiday with them too.

The S&G Response Christmas appeal challenge saw employees implement all manners of fundraising ideas, from donation pages, bake sales, collection points in supermarkets and the local Christmas run, to requesting help from other companies including large toy manufacturers who donated a massive two pallets of toys. In the end they collected 1,715 presents with a monetary value of over £8,500.

S&G Response commercial director, Nik Griffiths, said: “We have been working closely with CAFT on numerous fundraisers during 2019 as the work they do is so important. Being able to not only fund raise for the charity but also volunteer and see the difference our donations make in person is intensely rewarding and heart-warming. I couldn’t be prouder of the teamwork executed by the S&G Response employees, and couldn’t thank everyone who got involved and donated enough.”
