SEAT announces its ‘best results’

SEAT has announced the ‘best results’ in its history in 2018 after increasing its operating profit by 33.4% and reaching a record figure of €254m.

According to the results presented yesterday by the Volkswagen Group, SEAT closed the year with €10.202bn in turnover, which is 3.1% more than in 2017 and the highest figure ever in the history of the company.

SEAT’s operating profit was boosted by the sales record achieved in 2018, as well as the commercialising of models with a higher contribution margin. In 2018, SEAT sold 517,600 vehicles, which is 10.5% more than the previous year.

SEAT President Luca de Meo said, ‘Our financial situation has never been better thanks to sales figures that are a reflection of the trust placed in us by our customers. We completed the first cycle of the renovation of our portfolio with the launch of the Tarraco and soon will begin a second phase with the ambition of being major players in the fields of electrification, connectivity and shared mobility. At the same time, we are also facing challenges and uncertainties arising from emission reduction targets and the macroeconomic situation.’

Vice-president for finance, IT and organisation Holger Kintscher added, ‘In 2018 SEAT achieved the best operating profit ever and a triple-digit operating profit for the third year in a row. One of the factors contributing to this result is our strict cost-efficiency programme. We have to intensify these programme to invest in the company’s electrification and in reducing CO2.’
