Popularity of EVs and hybrids soars

New research has reported electric vehicle numbers are six times on last year, while hybrids have risen 20%.

This is according to Electronomous and Mobility X, published by the International Car Tech and Mobility Summit organisers.

In stats note that the price-point for hybrid vehicles has risen in the first two months of 2019 compared with previous years indicating a consumer preference towards higher specification vehicles in this corner of the market. The overall numbers of hybrids sold in the first two months of 2019 displays a healthy annualised increase of 20%.

This growth weighs against the backdrop of a decline in diesel sales – down 23%. The momentum is expected to continue, with self-charging hybrids expected to grow to 12% of new cars sold in 2020.

Meanwhile, stats provided by Cartell.ie note that the price-point for EVs has settled just above €33,000. Combined with a growth in the numbers of people buying new cars in this price bracket and the recent consumer trend towards buying an EVs, the market could be in for a boon in sales in 2020/21.

The organisers predict that more than 3,000 units for the first two months of next year is easily achievable and 5,000 units is not impossible. This anticipates EVs being sold at a value in the low €30,000s.
