NFDA EV scheme reaches 50 milestone

The National Franchised Dealers Association (NFDA) has announced that 50 dealers have now gained Electric Vehicle Approved accreditation.

The NFDA introduced the scheme, which is endorsed by the Government’s Office for Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV), in May to recognise expertise in the electric vehicle sector and promote industry standards for the benefit of the consumer.

Sue Robinson, director of the NFDA, said: “It is extremely positive to see franchised retailers embrace NFDA’s Electric Vehicle Approved accreditation scheme which demonstrates the efforts the automotive retail industry is making to drive the growth of the electric vehicle sector.”

Under the EVA scheme, dealerships are independently audited by the Energy Saving Trust (EST) to verify that they meet the EVA standards. The standards cover key areas of EV retail and aftersales including retailers’ communication with the consumer, staff training and availability of charge points on site.

The EVA badge will give consumers more confidence in the retailers and reassure them that EV approved retailers possess all the skills they need to help motorists make an informed decision.

Robinson added: “The electric vehicle sector is experiencing significant growth and retailers see increasing interest from consumers despite a number of challenges. We are confident through the continuous educational process implemented by retailers the current barriers will be overcome.

“Franchised retailers are working hard to inform their customers and provide them with the best possible experience. Having consumers recognise and trust the EVA badge will encourage the growth of the sector.

“NFDA looks forward to continuing to work with the Government and the Energy Saving Trust to support retailers and help them maximise the opportunities the transition to electric cars will offer.”
