National newspaper trains lens on AW Repair Group

AW Repair Group has been selected as one of 12 businesses to be featured in the prestigious Telegraph Business Club’s profiles for 2019.

The newspaper approached AW after a string of awards and successes in 2018 to put together a short documentary about the growing crash repair group.

The four-minute film shows how AW Repair Group continues to ‘push the boundaries’ and is preparing for a future with high tech and electric vehicles being a significant part of the car market. The film also includes interviews with two apprentices and LV= Insurance network manager Michael Golding.

Managing director Andrew Walsh said, ‘The film is fantastic and not only shows what AW Repair Group is doing but is a focus on the skill, technology and investment required in the accident repair sector. The whole process took more than three months from initial interviews to detailed plans of how visuals and voiceover would work together to convey the message before the cameras even started to roll.’
