Membership milestone for BVRLA

The BVRLA has passed the thousand-member milestone, with Royal Mail, Centrica and British Telecom’s Open Reach amongst the list of new members.

BVRLA chief executive Gerry Keaney said: “We have reached a number of milestones this year, attracting record numbers or parliamentarians to our summer reception, delivering a greater number of opportunities for members to get involved with the association and expanding the diversity of our membership by introducing the new Fleet Operator category.

“Reaching the one thousand membership milestone marks another great achievement for the association and I am proud of everybody in the BVRLA family who works tirelessly to support members and protect the interests of our sector.”

BVRLA members’ fleet size also breached a milestone this year with members now collectively responsible for over five million vehicles on UK roads. Add to this the fact that BVRLA members buy almost half of all new vehicles sold in the UK each year and purchase 83% of all UK-manufactured vehicles sold to a domestic market, the influence of BVRLA members is stronger than ever.
