Keyless thefts on the rise

Theft of keyless entry cars is on the rise, with Tracker reporting that 88% of the vehicles it recovered last year were taken through this method. That marks of rise of 22% in just two years.

Essex is a particular target region, with 92% of vehicles stolen and later recovered by Tracker stolen through keyless entry. The county is now the third highest region in the UK for car theft recoveries through Tracker, behind only London and the West Midlands – which has risen from fourth place in 2017.

The most ‘popular’ models among car thieves are 4x4s.

Tracker’s total value of vehicles recovered in the UK last year was over £12m.

Clive Wain, head of police liaison at Tracker, said, ‘Thanks to our unique longstanding working relationship with all UK police forces, 78 suspected thieves were arrested in connection with stolen vehicles we recovered last year. That’s an increase of 66% on 2017. Not only that, but an additional 79 stolen vehicles were found alongside those vehicles recovered that were fitted with a Tracker unit.’
