Keyless car thefts surge

Keyless car crimes have contributed to a steep rise in vehicle thefts, with a new claim being made every six minutes.

According to the Association of British Insurers, a surge in vehicle thefts has led to motor insurers paying out a record £1m every day.

The figures reflect rising vehicle crime, with Home Office figures recording a 50% rise in vehicle thefts over the last five years.

ABI’s motor claims 2018 report published today shows that the cost of vehicle thefts (including from a vehicle), at £376 million, rose by 29% on 2017, with the number of claims recorded at 56,000; the cost of all motor claims paid, including property damage, personal injury and theft was over £8.6bn, up by nearly half a billion pounds on 2017; £4.8bn was paid out in vehicle repairs.

Laurenz Gerger, ABI’s motor policy adviser, said, ‘The resurgence in car crime is worrying. The record amounts paid to motorists by their insurers in part reflects the vulnerability of some cars to keyless relay theft. Action by motor manufacturers to tackle this high-tech vulnerability, allied with owners taking some simple, inexpensive precautions will help reverse this unwelcome trend.
