iRG puts its faith in apprentices

iRG announced that it has 12 new apprentices on board after running a successful apprentice recruitment campaign across Wales and Bristol during the summer.

Through school careers fairs, college websites along with Welsh government/education and social media, iRG received in excess of 60 applications through various channels. It shortlisted candidates to undertake a one week work trial, after which it selected 12 apprentices for single discipline apprenticeships.

iRG has now confirmed that they are studying on block release at Newport college (Coleg Gwent). The apprentice programme at Newport college is underpinned by the IMI framework and supplemented with additional technical certified courses such as ADAS and electrified vehicles. The apprentices have just finished their third block release this term

Meanwhile, the apprentices also travelled to the NEC this week to get a taster of the WorldSkills competition and some have entered the Welsh Skills competition that is held early next year.
