IGA to publish ADAS guide

The Independent Garage Association (IGA) has developed an all-encompassing Garage Guide to Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) that will be released to all members this week.

This 48-page guide is aimed at providing clarity around ADAS for garages and includes guidance on identifying these systems and understanding their functions. It contains an outline on the various systems fitted to vehicles, along with the associated components and the symptoms of the systems being out of calibration.

Stuart James, IGA CEO, said: “We have received a great deal of feedback from garage owners that there is a major lack of awareness about ADAS in any form, and a genuine absence of information in the marketplace. We are tackling this shortfall head on for the good of the industry with this latest garage guide.

“Our guide has been designed as a point of reference to provide an all-round view of ADAS, so garages can be confident when vehicles come in for repair.”

The Garage Guide to Advanced Driver Assistance Systems will be distributed to IGA members.
