Hydrogen cars complete 6,000km journey

Hydrogen-powered fuel cell electric vehicles travelled nearly 6,000km across Europe to celebrate the expanding network of refuelling stations.

Thirteen vehicles starting in five countries (Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark and Norway) travelled a combined 5,836km to reach Hamburg in Germany city ahead of the Hydrogen for Clean Transport – H2ME Mid-Term Conference.

H2ME has funded the installation of 32 hydrogen refuelling stations (HRSs) across Europe to date, with a target of up to 49 by 2022.

Valerie Bouillon-Delporte, president, Hydrogen Europe, said, ‘The market is getting ready and the technology is proving its reliability; just consider the 6,000 kms driven across Europe to convey in Hamburg. More than anything else, the H2ME project, as an initiative co-funded by the FCH JU, demonstrates the true value of a European public-private partnership in building the sustainable mobility we are all striving for.’
