Honda to close Swindon plant

Honda has confirmed it will close its manufacturing plant in Swindon in 2022, costing up to 3,500 jobs.

No job losses are expected before 2021 at the plant, which produced 160,000 Honda Civics last year, as well as a number of diesel vehicles. About 90% of units produced are exported to the EU and US.

Honda said the move was due to global changes in the car industry and the need to launch electric vehicles, and it had nothing to do with Brexit.

Ian Howells, senior vice-president for Honda in Europe, told the BBC, ‘We’re seeing unprecedented change in the industry on a global scale. We have to move very swiftly to electrification of our vehicles because of demand of our customers and legislation. This is not a Brexit-related issue for us, it’s being made on the global-related changes I’ve spoken about.

‘We’ve always seen Brexit as something we’ll get through, but these changes globally are something we will have to respond to. We deeply regret the impact it will have on the Swindon community.’

Local MP Justin Tomlinson said, ‘Honda are clear this is based on global trends and not Brexit, as all European market production will consolidate in Japan in 2021.’

Meanwhile, Greg Clark, business secretary, said it was a devastating decision for Swindon and the UK, based on unprecedented changes in the global market.

He said, ‘This news is a particularly bitter blow to the thousands of skilled and dedicated staff who work at the factory, their families and all of those employed in the supply chain. 

‘I will convene a taskforce in Swindon with local MPs, civic and business leaders as well as trade union representatives to ensure that the skills and expertise of the workforce is retained, and these highly valued employees move into new skilled employment.’

It’s understood this decision will have no impact on Honda’s UK headquarters in Bracknell.
