Government grey fleet driving under the radar

The BVRLA has warned the government that its target of a zero-emission car fleet by 2030 will have little impact unless it also addresses its grey fleet – personal cars used for business.

It said this was because its own research found that the civil service grey fleet, which drives about 265 million miles a year, is about eight years old and emits 16% more CO2 than the average rental.

BVRLA chief executive Gerry Keaney said, ‘We welcome the news that Transport Minister Chris Grayling has written to every other department urging them to play their part in delivering the government’s pledge to have a zero-emission car fleet by 2030.

‘Unfortunately, this big gesture will have a relatively small impact. To make a real difference, we would like to see the government review its internal policies relating to the use of personal cars for business – known as grey fleet.

‘The BVRLA Grey Fleet report published in 2016 estimated that the Civil Service grey fleet mileage was in the region of 265 million miles a year, costing £126m in mileage claims from civil servants doing business using their own vehicles.

‘The average grey fleet car is around eight years old and emits 16% more CO2 than an average rental car, which is what Government staff should be using for their journeys in the absence of a practical public transport option.’
