Global journal examines autonomous mobility

A leading data specialist has launched the first issue of a new global journal focusing on autonomous mobility.

Arthur D. Little (ADL) has released the first issue of its Autonomous Mobility Journal. Bringing together research, analysis and expertise, the new, twice-yearly global publication aims to assess progress towards the adoption of autonomous vehicles and inform all players in the sector, from automotive companies to mobility providers and local and national governments.

The first issue covers key topics in four areas: market dynamics – analysing how players from different parts of the value chain are partnering to roll out autonomous fleets; autonomous use case – exploring how last-mile delivery in logistics offers opportunities for autonomous mobility; city focus – looking at current progress in Singapore, driven by its Smart Mobility 2030 initiative; strategic interview – talking to Jerome Rigaud, the COO of Navya, the first company to sell fully autonomous shuttles, discussing the potential impact of its technology on public transit systems

Ralf Baron, partner, global head, travel and transportation at Arthur D. Little, said: “Autonomous mobility is becoming a contender to solve some of the key problems of today’s congested and inefficient mobility systems, impacting citizens, passengers and governments across the world. In such a fast-moving market, understanding the sector and anticipating future trends is key for all players in the ecosystem.

“That’s why we are launching the Autonomous Mobility Journal, with the aim of providing impartial analysis and clarity to a market that is currently characterised by enormous activity across the globe.”

To download the first issue of the ADL Autonomous Journal, please visit:
