GEM warns of cold comforts

Road safety and breakdown organisation GEM Motoring Assist is warning motorists about the dangerous effects some medications can have on driving.

Some cold and flu treatments, painkillers and other drugs can cause drowsiness, reducing a driver’s ability to concentrate on the driving task. Driving while affected by drugs of this kind is not only very hazardous, but also likely to be a criminal offence for which the penalties will be severe, warns GEM.

GEM road safety officer Neil Worth said: “You may not be aware that your driving can be compromised by medicinal drugs. Therefore you could be breaking the law without realising.

“A conviction for drug driving carries a minimum one-year driving ban, an unlimited fine and up to six months in prison. You will have a criminal record that means you may have trouble getting a job or travelling overseas. Even once you are able to get your licence back, it will be endorsed for 11 years.

“So we cannot stress enough the importance of reading labels and seeking advice from healthcare professionals before driving. If you find that a specific remedy is likely to make you drowsy and impair your driving, then you must not drive after taking it. If you need to drive, make sure you ask a healthcare professional for a medicine that will not cause drowsy side-effects.”
