Ford signs ‘New Deal for Europe’

Ford Motor Company has added its name to the ‘New Deal for Europe’ initiative, which is intended to foster greater co-operation and innovation for a sustainable future.

The ‘New Deal’, which has been signed from more than 250 CEOs, calls on business’s, governments, organisations and policy-makers to work together to develop a comprehensive Sustainable Europe 2030 strategy based on the United Nations Development Goals and the Paris Climate Accord. The strategy shall balance environmental, economic and societal needs while tackling the challenges of climate change.

CEOs from Toyota, Vodafone, BASF and Sky are among those who have also signed the Deal, which has been initiated by CSR Europe, the European business network for Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility.

Ford of Europe CEO Stuart Rowley said: “When businesses and governments introduce sustainability measures, they tend to put their own interests first. But climate change is an issue that affects us all, and it requires acting out of the interests of everyone. What better way to initiate that than by calling for widespread collaboration across industries, communities and borders, which can have the biggest impact and help us reach our sustainability goals together.”
