EMaC and autoVHC pool resources

EMaC, a leading provider of service plan and customer retention schemes to the UK automotive industry, is collaborating with leading electronic vehicle health check solutions provider, autoVHC, to improve workshop sales and boost service revenue for its dealers.

The new partnership sees integration between the autoVHC electronic vehicle health check platform and the EMaC Service Plan system, bringing significant benefits to dealers and their consumers.

Using their autoVHC tablet, dealers can now identify items covered by an EMaC Service Plan, allowing them to start work immediately rather than waiting for customer approval. As well as improving the customer experience, the new integrated service provides dealers with a key opportunity to maximise upselling by highlighting work that falls outside the Service Plan cover.

Service advisers are also alerted to consumers who don’t have an EMaC Service Plan in place, providing an additional sales opportunity when that vehicle is returned to its owner. This allows dealers to improve the customer experience by providing a flexible solution to the cost of vehicle servicing and the peace of mind that their vehicle is well maintained.

Chris Saunders, autoVHC business unit director, said, ‘We view the EMaC Service Plan as a key enabler to help dealers upsell additional work to customers. If the customer already has the basic cost of their service covered, it reduces the impact of any additional work, making it more affordable for them to get the work done. This brings bottom line benefits to dealers and enhances the value they bring to their consumers.’

The partnership offers both EMaC and autoVHC opportunities to cross promote each other’s platforms to their existing customer base, extending their audience reach. There are further plans to add the EMaC AutoQuote facility to the autoVHC platform. This will allow autoVHC dealers to follow up an EMaC consumer quote with an email or call to secure a Service Plan sale, further increasing their revenue stream.

John O’Donnell, managing director at EMaC commented, ‘Teaming up with autoVHC extends the reach of our Service Plan benefits and demonstrates our commitment to collaborating with like-minded service providers to enhance our dealer offering. Once again, we are helping dealers make the most of the benefits Service Plans offer to their business. Through this partnership with autoVHC we are streamlining the sales process to boost consumer loyalty and retention, as a crucial part of the sustainability of their business.’
