EDAM introduces well-being in workplace initiative

EDAM Group has launched a well-being initiative to encourage better mental health among its staff. ‘Minding EDAM’ is a company-wide programme tailored towards improving mind, body and soul in the workplace.

The sessions include Pilates and lunch-time meditation, cycling, monthly netball and fitness classes.

The company has also recruited six dedicated employee volunteers to operate as ‘Mental Health First Aiders’ in a bid to encourage an open and honest culture across its head office and depots, with a focus on the support of its staff. Partnering with local mental health charity; Manchester MIND helped deliver training for those in management positions alongside personal resilience guidance for the entire EDAM team.

Steve Turner, CEO of EDAM Group, said, ‘The benefits of continual learning and development create an overwhelmingly positive impact, for the individual, for the team and for the business overall. We are delighted to create a permanent place for the programme within the company as we continually work to reinforce our commitment to our people and their well-being.’

The company trialled the Minding EDAM campaign during this year’s Learning At Work Week in May, which also coincided with Mental Health Awareness Week and has pledged to continue its mindful approach to the office environment due to the overwhelming uptake from employees. The results speak for themselves as team members have reported better sleep, weight loss and increased empathy thanks to the training and ongoing programmes.
