DfT considers new pothole measures

The Department for Transport is considering measures that would keep roads pothole-free for longer.

It is considering holding companies that repair roads to account for longer, extending warranties from two years to five years. This would mean that if a pothole forms within five years of roadworks, the utility company will have to return to restore the road surface to its original state.

Transport secretary Chris Grayling said, ‘Potholes are the biggest enemy for road users and this government is looking at all options to keep our roads in the best condition.

‘Road surfaces can be made worse by utility companies, so imposing higher standards on repairs will help keep roads pothole-free for longer.’

The DfT is holding an eight-week consultation that will also examine the use of new innovative surfacing, such as asphalt with a high bitumen content that is easier to compact to the required density. This makes it less prone to potholing.
