Cosmetic damage poses deeper safety risk

A leading road safety organisation has warned drivers that delaying repairs to car body damage poses a serious risk to safety.

GEM claims this is because of the complex protection systems in place on all modern cars. It adds that the longer damage remains unrepaired, the costlier it’s likely to be to put right.

GEM’s road safety officer Neil Worth said, ‘If it’s a large dent, most people will get it fixed right away. But when it’s only a small dent, it can be easy to put off. You tell yourself it doesn’t look good but it’s only a minor blemish. Or, the car is getting older, so a minor dent here and there doesn’t really matter.

‘Or you tell yourself you’ll get it fixed sooner or later, just not today. So, you put it on the back burner of your to-do list and somehow it never seems to get done.

‘Next thing you know, six months or a year have gone by and that car dent is still there. And who knows what’s happening to your car underneath the dent?’
