Christmas driving set to peak

UK drivers are expected to drive about 4.3bn miles over this Christmas week – that’s about 449 miles each.

This is according to the RAC, which found that almost a third of drivers were planning to drive for more than two hours to visit friends or family.

Separate RAC figures indicate that this weekend will be the busiest for leisure journeys before New Year, with 22.8m separate trips by car predicted – an average of 5.7m every day.

RAC spokesman Rod Dennis said: “Our figures suggest drivers will be seriously racking up the miles over the next few days. This is very much a time of year when we tend to cover much longer distances than usual to ensure we get to spend valuable time with family and friends, regardless of where we or they live in the country, with drivers depending on their cars more than ever.

“All those extra vehicle miles will also, and unfortunately for some people, lead to plenty of extra breakdowns. The very last place anyone wants to be is stuck at the side of the road, and while our patrols will be out in force right through the Christmas and New Year period, drivers can lessen their chances of becoming a breakdown statistic by making sure their cars are up to the job of a long drive. Under the bonnet, oil and coolant should be at the right levels and when it comes to tyres, drivers should check each one has plenty of tread and is properly inflated.”

Highways England’s customer service director Melanie Clarke said: “Safety is our top priority and we know from experience that almost half of breakdowns can easily be avoided if motorists carry out simple vehicle checks before setting off over this period.

“We’re asking people to be prepared too. Make sure you have everything you need for your journey should there be any delays, check before and during your journey and also make sure you’re aware of the signs and signals on motorways.”
