Cenex attracts record numbers

A record 4,700 delegates attended Cenex-LCV2019 and Cenex-Connected Automated Mobility held at Millbrook this month. This was a nine per cent increase on last year.

The co-located events were opened by Rt Hon George Freeman, Minister of State for Transport.

Highlights of the events included a new safety regime for self-driving vehicles called CAV Pass, which was announced by Rt Hon George Freeman, Minister of State for Transport. The new system aims to prevent any defects in driverless cars and provide protection from cyber-attacks.

Millbrook also officially opened its Autonomous Village, a new centre for testing connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs). The Autonomous Village comprises of six purpose-built workshops designed to support mechanical, integration and software development for self-driving vehicles, from passenger cars to buses. 

Meanwhile, the Advanced Propulsion Centre unveiled a new production low carbon biomethane farming vehicle. The bio-gas tractor will help reduce emissions in agriculture.     

Also, the Faraday Institution announced a further £55m for energy storage research. The funding will be awarded to five UK-based consortia to conduct application-inspired research to make step changes in battery chemistries, systems and manufacturing models.

The Minister of State for the Future of Transport, George Freeman, said, ‘Self-driving vehicles can offer significant rewards for the UK ’s economy, road safety and accessibility. We are determined to lead in the testing and development of safe autonomous transport.

‘This is new terrain, and with our national expertise the UK is well-placed to blaze the trail globally by developing a global benchmark for assuring the safety and security of this exciting technology.’

Robert Evans, CEO of Cenex said, ‘2019 has been a big year for us with the launch of our very first Cenex-Connected Automated Mobility Event at our annual Cenex-LCV Show; and our exhibitors, speakers and visitors didn’t disappoint.

‘What we saw over the two days was cutting edge innovations and technologies, agenda setting from government and industry leaders as well as the capabilities and desire to realise both the road to zero for LCV and Connected Automated Mobility on UK roads in the coming years.  2019 was a record in terms of attendance and we look forward to seeing what 2020 brings.’
