Ben launches Blue Monday campaign

Ben has launched its new campaign to support people who are struggling with loneliness.

Research shows that a quarter of British people feel at their loneliest in January, however loneliness is often or always a concern for over nine million people in the UK[ all year-round. Ben’s own helpline sees an influx in people reaching out for help due to loneliness during January and the winter months.

The charity is also highlighting that no one who works, or has worked in the automotive industry, is alone – Ben is always here for them and their family dependents.

In light of this, and with today being Blue Monday, Ben has launched new resources on its website to support people during the loneliest time of the year.

Rachel Clift, health & wellbeing director at Ben, said, ‘Understanding loneliness and feelings or behaviours associated with loneliness can be hard to identify with and acknowledge. Loneliness can be a transient feeling that comes and goes or something that can occur at certain times and then there are those that experience loneliness all or most of the time. The aftermath of Christmas and winter months has the potential to reduce social connectedness for many reasons, yet whilst, for some, January can be a catalyst for positive change, for others it can be a very isolating and difficult time of the year.

‘The thing with loneliness is that it’s a ‘silent epidemic’ and it can also feel like a taboo. No one wants to admit they’re lonely and it’s a very personal thing, so there’s no ‘one-size-fits-all’ way to overcome it. This said, there are things that those who are lonely can do to connect and reconnect with others, so we’re pleased to be focusing on this important issue and offering our advice to those who need it.

‘If you or a family dependent are struggling with loneliness, you’re not alone… Ben is here for you. You can visit our web page for tips, advice and guidance or get in touch with us via our online chat or call our helpline if you need more support.’

Click here to visit Ben’s new web resources about loneliness.

