AA tops list of recovery providers

The AA has been ranked as Britain’s best breakdown recovery provider.

This comes after exclusive research by Britain’s consumer champion and new car buying platform, What Car?.  

After quizzing motorists on both the time it took to for patrols to reach them as well as whether the problem was fixed, What Car? ranked each of the eight major breakdown cover providers. 

The AA was found to reach stranded motorists the quickest, arriving on the scene in less than 30 minutes 23% of the time, with nearly three-quarters of all customers reached within an hour. 

The RAC proved to be the best at roadside repairs, with an impressive 40% of all cars and vans fixed permanently, with 25% given a temporary fix that would allow drivers to continue their journey home or to a nearby garage. The AA and Green Flag were able to provide a permanent fix to 38% and 37% of all vehicles. 

Last year there were 224,225 breakdowns on the Strategic Road Network, adding up to 614 every single day, up from 195,292 in 2017. What Car?’s research found breakdown cover can cost as little as £19 for a year. 

Across all providers, 51% of all vehicles were either fixed permanently or temporarily, with drivers able to continue their journey. Nearly a third of cars were towed to a garage for repairs, with just five per cent of all breakdown operators unable to either fix the vehicle or tow it to a garage for further repairs.

Steve Huntingford, editor of What Car?, said: “Most motorists will experience a breakdown at one point or another. Standing by the roadside is never fun, so it’s worth knowing who to call to ensure you are reached quickly by a competent mechanic who will help you get back on the road as soon as possible.  

“The 2019 Reliability Survey shows most motorists are reached in less than an hour, and our research found breakdown cover can cost as little as £19 for a whole year, so it’s an investment worth making.” 
