‘A shot in the arm for automotive industry’

A new programme delivered by the SMMT and developed jointly by the automotive and aerospace industries has been introduced to improve production and competitiveness among UK manufacturers.

The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has named the National Manufacturing Competitive Levels (NMCL) programme to drive improvements in supplier and productivity competitiveness and productivity.

NMCL, led and match-funded by industry, and with the backing of 25 of the UK’s largest manufacturers, is designed to improve competitiveness, raise workforce capacity and increase productivity of UK manufacturers, thereby boosting the nation’s exports and economic growth.

NMCL Automotive is the programme for the automotive sector and will make use of the £16m of government funding to develop sustainable and internationally competitive UK supply chains. The new NMCL approach has already been successfully piloted by companies in the North West of England.

NMCL is designed to help manufacturers of all sizes and stages of development understand how competitive they currently are and develop the specific business capabilities they need to boost their performance. The programme includes an in-depth competitiveness assessment based on company capabilities and the views of key customers. This data is then applied to investment decisions across six areas of competitiveness; quality, cost, delivery, flexibility, products/technology and customer experience. Projects are tailor-made for each manufacturer and focus on boosting competitiveness, increasing ‘value-add’ and winning more orders. 

Mike Hawes, SMMT chief executive, said, ‘This announcement is a shot in the arm for the UK’s automotive industry in general and the supply chain in particular. NMCL is a central part of the Government’s Industrial Strategy and the sector deal for the industry, offering a proven way for business to achieve competitiveness. Coming at a time of considerable upheaval, it is important that all manufacturers are alert to the technological, market and trading changes that are occurring and take the right steps to ensure they are not just viable but globally successful in the future.’

NMCL projects will typically last from six months for smaller initiatives to up to three years for entire business transformations.
