Women Awards celebrates ‘unsung heroes’

The UK Automotive 30% Club has held its first Inspiring Automotive Women Awards, with Helen Mutter of Kia among the winners.

The awards have been established to inspire and support women in the automotive industry, and recognise any female irrespective of role or seniority.

Julia Muir, CEO Gaia Innovation, founder of the UK Automotive 30% Club said, ‘Inspired by the women I worked with when I first joined the motor trade, I launched the awards to celebrate and recognise the unsung heroes of our industry. Often their valuable contribution is appreciated and acknowledged within their own teams or by customers, but they are rarely given the public recognition that they deserve for their efforts to create a positive working environment. I want to honour these brilliant women who are ‘lifting others as they rise’ and make them visible.

‘All of our fabulous award winners have demonstrated that they are making a significant contribution to their business. However, they are also committed to inspiring other women to progress or encouraging leaders to create inclusive working environments within which women will thrive, and they are personally involved in activities to show that the automotive sector is a positive career choice for women.

Helen, general manager, product and production planning at Kia, was named one of 30 ‘Inspiring Automotive Women’.

Helen has been engaging with local schools to promote awareness of the motor trade as an interesting, dynamic, challenging and fun industry to schoolgirls. Within Kia, Helen has co-founded Kia Women, a networking group and discussion forum intended to provide support, community and a unified, rational voice aiming to progress gender diversity within Kia.

She said, ‘To be recognised in these awards has been a surprise but I am pleased and proud to have made an impact. Encouraging schoolgirls to take an interest in the automotive industry ensures that they are aware of the amazing careers available in the sector, and allows them to see opportunities that they might not otherwise recognise. I’m excited about the amount of female talent in our organisation, and I want to help create an environment where everyone has the opportunity to fulfil their potential.’
