Commuters suffer with travel bug

Drivers in the south west spend more time commuting than in any other region in the UK, according to new research, spending nearly two and half hours in their cars each day.

The team at conducted the research as part of an ongoing study into Britons’ home lives and how work impacts this. For the purposes of the study, 2,436 Britons aged 18 and over, all of whom stated that they have a full-time job, were polled. All respondents were spread evenly across the 12 regions of the UK.

Initially all those taking part in the study were asked how long it takes them to get into work and back home again on an average day. Researchers took all responses into account and found the average for each region.

The south west topped the list with 2hrs 25 mins, although Scotland (2:20), the south east (2:15), west Midlands (2:05), and London (2:00) were also over the two-hour mark.

Drivers in Wales (50 mins), the north east (45 mins) and east Midlands (45 mins) fared the best of the dozen regions.

In terms of travel expenses, Londoners paid considerably more than most (£112 on average), with those in the south east second on the list (£60). At the other end of the scale, those in Wales paid just (£12) on average.

The survey also found that 85% of respondents had considered quitting their jobs for something closer to home, but said there were few local jobs available.

George Charles, spokesperson for said, ‘It’s alarming how much of our lives we actually spend getting to and from work. Whilst a 30-minute commute to work might not sound like a lot, that’s an extra one hour a day, or five hours per week, travelling for work. Unfortunately, the majority of career-led jobs do revolve around big cities and therefore a commute is necessary, particularly if you’re not keen to relocate.’


