CAPS GDPR conference

CAPS will be having their first, Midlands based GDPR themed conference in one week. The conference will provide seating for 100 guests; however, availability is quickly running out.

The guest presenter line up has now been finalised with companies sharing their readiness phase with the attendees. CAPS will also have representation from the ICO, who will be updating guests on their investigations and how data safeguarding is something that everyone can benefit from.

Legal Firm Bird & Bird will be attending the event to explain to companies where your positioned within the GDPR framework and why. Are you a data controller, processor or sub processor? The aim of the event is to be a helping hand to inform business of their responsibilities regarding data protection.

A few of the key presenters include: Admiral Insurance, Information Commissioners Office (ICO), NBRA, Bird & Bird, LKQ/Euro Car Parts and Peritus Learning & Development Ltd.
