Postcode fraudsters target Cornwall

Residents of cities where insurance is traditionally more expensive have been pretending to live in locations such as Cornwall for cheaper cover.

A report by Cornwall Live said a man living in Manchester used a Cornwall address to reduce his insurance by about £2,000.

Georgie Carter’s address was used by one fraudster, according to the report. She said, ‘I was told that Manchester, Birmingham, and the larger cities are hotspots for this sort of thing. Apparently it is quite common that people from these cities will use postcodes from Cornwall to get cheaper insurance.’

It turns out she’s not the only one from her area who has fallen prey to insurance fraudsters. In another fraud case, a victim was sent a total of 121 letters for car insurance policies he had not taken out. Each letter was for a different person, and a probe was launched into the address that had been compromised’.

Meanwhile, Karen Moore said in the report, ‘It’s been going on for about a year now; most of the letters I receive are from the same man trying to take out an insurance policy at my address in his name. They’re targeting this postcode. It is worrying.’
