Payback success for IFB

Following a series of confiscation hearings, gang members previously convicted for their roles in a large scale ‘crash for cash’ scam in Derbyshire have been ordered to pay back £37,493.96 collectively.

The scam was exposed by Derbyshire Police and the Insurance Fraud Bureau (IFB) with the help of its insurer members leading to a trial earlier this year, in which 11 individuals were sentenced for their part in the fraud resulting in a total of over 42 years imprisonment. The scam itself saw the gang deliberately targeting innocent motorists by crashing into them on public roads then submitting fraudulent insurance claims for financial gain; the investigation linked the gang to 111 claims going as far back as 2011.

The offenders now have up to three months to pay their orders. Those who had no assets to confiscate received nominal orders. This means that the Crown Court can confiscate any assets they obtain in the future up to the amount they made from their criminal activity.

Jason Potter, IFB head of investigations, said, ‘This gang was a group of calculated individuals who were putting the lives of innocent motorists at risk for profit without a second thought. The prison sentences they are currently serving already demonstrate how we are clamping down on these criminals and these confiscation orders go a step further to send a clear message that insurance fraud will not be tolerated.’
