Insurance summit to address challenges

With over 100 attendees from more than 65 companies registered, Marketforce’s The Motor Insurance Summit will address the key challenges faced by insurers.

The event, which takes place on 28 March in London, will cover a wide umbrella of key strategic challenges facing insurers now and in the future. Subject matters will range from driving customer retention and dealing with digital demands, to streamlining the claims process and effectively adopting new technology.

Many of the UK’s best known insurers will be in attendance including Admiral, Ageas Insurance, Allianz Group, Aviva, AXA Group, Direct Line Group, LV=, RSA Group and Zurich Insurance Group.

bodyshop magazine is, again, an official media partner for the event. Subscribers are eligible for an exclusive 10% discount by entering the code IZI66BS at the checkout. To register click here.

