Apprentice plans for Alton Cars

Alton Cars Ltd is set to host an Apprentice Open Day event at its flagship Leeds site on Saturday 11 March 2017.

The event, working in combination with AutoRaise, will feature three, two-hour sessions and is looking to attract in excess of 300 young people through its doors. A campaign to raise awareness is underway and the business has already approached several local schools, colleges, clubs and sport teams across Yorkshire, Humberside, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire. Alton Cars will also launch a social media campaign and has created a dedicated webpage to the event

Neilson Jones, group commercial director, Alton Cars Group said, ‘It’s no secret that there has been a skills shortage in the accident repair industry for some time and we want to attract and engage the next generation, challenge the dodgy back street garage stereotype, showcase the apprenticeship scheme and demonstrate what the industry is all about.’

As well as young people, the event is attracting the attention of insurers, work providers and the wider repairer community as a whole – many of whom will be in attendance on the day.

To find out more email Neilson Jones on [email protected]

