
BLOG: What will you spend your extra £40 on?

ALAN FELDBERG: Well, I for one am looking forward to my insurance premiums falling £40 next year. That’s what we’ve been told will be the result of new government measures […]

BLOG: Risky business?

MARK HADAWAY: Insurance is a risky business, and I don’t just mean that in the literal sense. A recent encounter with an insurer in attempting to change the vehicle on […]

BLOG: HS2 slow

MARK HADAWAY: It is with genuine interest that the planned advancement of HS2 recently fell under the spotlight with new light shed on the debacle by the latest National Audit […]

BLOG: Casualties of the phony war

ALAN FELDBERG: ‘Not long ago I saw a survey revealing that more than a quarter of motorists who admitted to using their handsets while driving were actually taking selfies. ‘While this […]