RMI urges government to ‘press ahead’

RMI Bodyshops (NAB & VBRA) has joined the Association of British Insurers in expressing concern over the government’s decision to delay reforms to legislation surrounding whiplash claims.
The government said last autumn it planned to eliminate cash payouts for minor whiplash injuries, a move it said would save the industry £1bn a year.
RMI Bodyshop director Jason Moseley said, ‘We are very disappointed to see that the Ministry of Justice feels that this is not a priority and has decided to delay this from their agenda. The bodyshop repair industry works closely with insurers as important supply chain partners, and anything that prevents a healthy and accountable insurance market is negative and must be addressed.
‘There are also other ramifications for our body repair members and consumers, through the continued commoditisation of personal data by claims management companies. A practice that is at very best opaque and serves to harm the industry if action is not taken by removing the personal injury claim incentive.
‘We urge the government to press ahead with the original proposals and release the consultation as soon as possible as the delay is costing motorist’s money, with insurance premiums up one per cent over the past year.’