Covéa Insurance Receives Award for Community Aid

Covéa Insurance has been presented with a community award in recognition of the support it gave victims of last year’s winter floods.

It received the award from Community Foundation for Calderdale (CFFC) for its support of the Foundation’s Flood Fund and Flood Save schemes.

Calder Valley was one of the country’s worst affected areas and employees at Covéa Insurance’s West Yorkshire office in Halifax raised more than £10,000 for CFFC while many employees, including the firm’s chief executive, gave up their time to help with the huge clean up that followed.

Covéa Insurance’s chief executive, James Reader, said, ‘The whole community pulled together to respond to the devastating effects of Storm Eva, and we were fortunate that we were in a position to help. We’re very grateful to receive this award, but for me personally, and I’m sure for the team at Covéa Insurance, the greatest reward is knowing that we’ve made a difference and been able to support the Calderdale community, which we’re so proud to be part of. I’d particularly like to give thanks to the Foundation for its invaluable work supporting our community and to our kind, generous and hardworking team.’

Emma Woods-Bolger from the Community Foundation added, ‘Businesses in Calderdale have played a pivotal role in the Foundation’s 25-year history, without the support of local businesses we could not award over £1m every year to local charities, community groups and individuals in crisis.

‘Most recently, Covéa Insurance staff have supported some of our most challenging and life changing work, the money they raised went directly to people who were devastated by the flooding, enabling them to replace everyday items we all take for granted like  carpets, a fridge or a cooker and for that we are truly grateful.’

