AAH Direct acquires Carbodybids.com
Accident management specialists, AAH Direct has acquired car body repair comparison website www.carbodybids.com.
AAH Direct has also made the service free for registered bodyshops. Registered bodyshop were previously charged a commission for successful bids.
The acquisition by AAH Direct and subsequent scrapping of charges is the first of a series of initiatives to promote the Carbodybids website to generate significantly more sales opportunities for registered garages.
Customers submit jobs on Carbodybids in three steps. The job is instantly emailed out for repairers to ‘bid on’ and it appears in their online portal alongside other local jobs. The system uses vehicle registration number (VRN) data to identify the vehicle customer’s exact car and customers are encouraged to include photos of damage.
Bids are subsequently returned to consumers who then choose where to get their vehicle repaired.