Ryan Jones – World Skill Update

Day three of competition at World Skills in São Paulo, Brazil gets underway today (Friday), where Just Car Clinics Hinckley’s Apprentice Panel Technician, Ryan Jones is representing Team UK.
The scale of World Skills is something that is evident as soon as you enter the Anhembi Park venue in São Paulo. Competitions are taking place in 50 different categories ranging from Health & Social Care, Mobile Robotics, Manufacturing, Web Design, Floristry & Construction to name but a few.
The enjoyment, glamour and bright lights of the opening ceremony on Tuesday evening have quickly been replaced by focus and determination by Ryan as the competition started against 19 other competitors in the Autobody Repair category from countries around the world.
Just Car Clinics have sent Gavin Jones, Ryan’s father, out to Brazil to support his son and he is reporting back on his progress. Ryan is now in full flow, showing that his calm and collected approach has put him in good stead heading into day three of the competition.
The opening two days haven’t been without incident. On day one Ryan encountered a problem with his Jig, the competition officials were consulted and the issue was resolved. Ryan was given some time back to compensate for the disruption. Also on day one he measured and straightened the front chassis, of the vehicle he has been given to repair, and then removed and cleaned the near side quarter panel.
Day two of the competition and Ryan has had a really good day, working on the near side area of the vehicle, welding the quarter panel and front inner wing, ending the day working on the chassis leg.
Team UK’s progress over in Brazil is getting great media coverage and after today’s hours of competition Ryan has been asked to talk to BBC TV about how he is getting on.