CitNOW to host BAFCA

CitNOW has launched the UK’s first ever automotive industry video awards – British Association of Fantastic CitNOW Awards (BAFCA).
Video technology has experienced an unprecedented phase of accelerated adoption and its use has more than trebled in automotive businesses in the past year.
The CitNOW Awards aim to recognise companies and professionals who have embraced the use of video technology and make the most of the opportunities and benefits it offers, as well as showcasing best practice.
Submissions are now open for the CitNOW Awards 2015, which will be judged by a panel of sales, aftersales and bodyshop experts and presented in seven categories. The awards ceremony will be held on the afternoon of Wednesday, July 8 at 195 Piccadilly, the home of BAFTA.
The seven categories in which prizes will be awarded are; Best CitNOW workshop video; Best CitNOW sales video; Best CitNOW bodyshop video; Best CitNOW web video; Best overseas CitNOW video; Most creative use of CitNOW video and Best overall CitNOW video.
Alistair Horsburgh, CEO at CitNOW (pictured), said, ‘The CitNOW Awards create an unprecedented opportunity to draw wider attention to the use of video technology in dealers, workshops and bodyshops. Early adopters of our technology are already reaping the benefits, with increases in sales and red work conversion alike being recorded.
‘Moreover, the use of this kind of innovation sets standards for transparency and customer service across the automotive industry and we see examples daily of how businesses are improving both their service and their bottom line.’
Alistair added, ‘These are the first automotive awards ever to focus exclusively on video technology as a tool for increasing sales as well as customer trust and satisfaction. In time, I hope the event will become a staple of the automotive industry calendar.’
Submissions will be accepted from any employee or manager from any dealership or bodyshop that uses video technology, whether powered by CitNOW or not. Entries must have been filmed between July 2014 and June 2015 and can be submitted on
One first prize will be given for each category. Each winner will receive a gift experience voucher of their choice plus an award, which will be shared in the case of a prize going to multiple individuals.