ChipsAway leads brand recognition poll

A YouGov poll has found that over one third (39%) of respondents named ChipsAway as the brand best known for minor automotive paintwork repairs.
A YouGov poll has found that the brand best known by the British motorist for minor automotive paintwork repairs is ChipsAway, with over one third (39%) of the respondents who were able to name a company unprompted, naming ChipsAway – equating to 10 times more brand recognition than its closest competitors.
The research also confirmed that the potential marketplace for the company’s mobile repair service is massive, with 69% of motorists questioned indicating that their cars had minor paintwork damage that was suitable for a ChipsAway repair. Drivers cited car parks as one of the more notorious locations for damage to occur, with 51% saying it had happened to them in a car park whilst stationary.
Commenting on the key findings, ChipsAway chief executive Tim Harris said, ‘YouGov is a well-respected indicator of views and attitudes across Britain, and we’re delighted to confirm that awareness of the ChipsAway brand is growing.’
He added, ‘With approximately 35 million vehicles on the road, we estimate – based on these YouGov findings – that around 24 million vehicles require minor repair services.
Our service means car owners can repair paintwork damage cost-effectively – prolonging the life of their cars as well as maintaining resale values. We are continually investing in new technology to ensure our specialists can provide the best possible customer service, as well as marketing initiatives to help build awareness of our brand and promote the availability of a nationwide, mobile service able to deliver high quality paintwork repairs in a fraction of the time and cost of traditional body shop methods.’