Händler Protect follows Motor Ombudsman Code

The Motor Ombudsman has announced that vehicle warranty provider Händler Protect has joined its Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI)-approved Motor Industry Code of Practice for Vehicle Warranty Products.

It is one of 18 organisations to sign up for the Code, which ensures a number of best practice guidelines are followed.

These include the use of clear, jargon-free communications, tailored advice, and effective internal complaints processes.

The Motor Ombudsman saw nearly 8,000 consumer contacts in relation to an extended vehicle warranty product last year, and accepted 640 new cases. This equates to year-on-year increases of 97% and 65% respectively.

Code of Practice

Bill Fennell, chief ombudsman, said:

“We are pleased to be expanding the coverage of our Code of Practice when consumers take out an extended vehicle warranty agreement. With the addition of Händler Protect, a reputable and established business in this sector, this reinforces the value and importance that warranty providers place in the many benefits that Code accreditation offers.”

Dave Horan, managing director at Händler Protect, added: “We prioritise transparency, reliability, and above all, the satisfaction of our customers. This recognition further solidifies our dedication to upholding the highest standards and providing peace of mind to every individual we serve.”
