Bentley promotes talent with Extraordinary Women initiative

Bentley hosted students from universities in the UK and Qatar at its Crewe headquarters as part of the third edition of its Extraordinary Women initiative.

The students spent a week on site, meeting experts and been given an insight into the luxury brand’s manufacturing processes.

Introduced to encourage the next generation of female talent to the industry, the initiative provided students with individual mentorship in the three months before the visit, focusing on key areas such as technology, engineering, design and business.

Extraordinary Women

Member of the Board for Human Resources at Bentley, Dr Karen Lange, said:

“With every year, the Extraordinary Women programme grows stronger, as exemplified by the quality of this year’s Pioneers, all who have generously given their time in the spirit of collaboration as we seek to build a legacy for young women. It has been a great honour to meet and engage with such talented young women during their visit – witnessing their energy and ability fills me with great optimism for the future.”

The Extraordinary Women initiative was launched in the UK and Middle East in 2022 and has already seen students from the UAE and Saudi Arabia take part. It forms part of Bentley’s wider diversity and inclusion Beyond100 strategy.
